Finally, Polaris Results!

Listening to the Polaris Gala on CBC Radio 3 because I can’t get the MuchMusic stream to work which is too bad because it would be nice to actually watch it. I really wish I could be there, but then, who doesn’t?

So far, performances by Metric (acoustic) and Great Lake Swimmers. I have to work early tomorrow morning so hopefully it isn’t too much longer until they announce the winner but I have a feeling all ten bands are going to play.

Next up is Malajube, apparently their favourite band is the Beatles but they would rather share a stage with the Whalers according to the nice people at CBC. Voici, Malajube! Sweet performance. I hate when they ask stupid questions like “Did you ever anticipate a nomination like this?”, how is a band supposed to answer a question like that with any sort of candour? Also, these guys have a crazy French Canadian accent.

K’Naan has the best performance so far although his introduction was super, super awkward.

On to Joel Plaskett Emergency – I love him (and so do a lot of people!), I would definitely be happy to see him win. After this, I need to go to sleep so I guess I will find out the results in the morning.

Woke up at 5am this morning and the first thing I reached for was the internet (that’s right, I have the entire internet in my room) and I actually didn’t believe the first post I read that said Fucked Up had won. After checking three more, I resigned myself to the truth. I have to say, I am a little disappointed (poor Joel!) but I think it is great that the band who won can use the money and exposure, not to mention that they are doing a really cool thing with the money.

Looks like that is it for my Polaris 2009 posts! Let’s see what 2010 brings. Oh and if you are interested in seeing what the best Canadian album (released before 2004) is, check out the geographically impossible blog at North by East West.

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